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Key Things Every Beginning Artist Should Know

Key Things Every Beginning Artist Should Know

Making art is an incredibly rewarding experience, one that can bring joy and a sense of accomplishment to anyone who puts the time and effort in. Whether you’re just starting out as an artist or have been working for years, there are some key things every beginning artist should know about making art.

1. Draw Draw Draw: Drawing is the foundation of nearly all visual arts. If you want to master any other medium, including painting, sculpting and digital art, being able to draw well is essential. Even if drawing isn’t your favorite thing, it’s important to practice regularly in order to improve your skills and become a better artist overall.

2. Great Art Takes Hard Work: Good art doesn’t happen overnight; it takes dedication and practice, as well as lots of trial and error. Don’t expect to become a master artist right away – instead, be willing to put in the time and effort it takes to hone your craft.

3. Use Reference Images: If you’re painting or drawing something, it helps to have a reference photo that you can look at. This will help ensure your artwork looks realistic and life-like.

4. Expect Rejection: Even the greatest artists in history faced rejection when they first started out – so don’t worry if you don’t get the recognition or success you’d like right away. Keep working hard and eventually people will start to take notice.

5. Uniqueness Equal Success: There are countless artists out there, so it can be tough to stand out in a crowd. But this isn’t a bad thing – it just means you need to find your own unique voice and style. Once you do, you’ll be surprised at how much success you can achieve.

6. Be Real: Art is a very personal form of expression, so being honest in your work is crucial. Be true to yourself and your work will resonate with viewers in a powerful way.

Making art can be a very rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember that success won’t come easy. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an accomplished artist! Good luck!

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